Birkenhead Locality Team Information

Below you will find the details of confirmed team members in the Birkenhead Locality. There may still be some vacancies. Details will be updated as and when new staff join the team or roles are confirmed.

If this is the locality your school or setting is in please use this email address for any requests or enquiries. Please indicate clearly in the subject box what your email is about.

Locality Manager - Dawn Taylor

Personal expertise Children Looked After (CLA)


Claire Mcdermott

Chris Hadfield

Hannah O’Neill

Louise Thompson

Stacey Price

Thomas Bromley

Support Officers

Josh Parker

Joanne Robinson

Specialist Business Support Officer - Leigh Roberts

All Education Health and Care Needs Assessment (EHCNA) Requests or general enquires should be sent to your localities new email address.

Settings in this locality and named Caseworker

Early Years Settings

Bidston Avenue Pre-School - Hannah O’Neill

Busy Bees, Beechwood - Claire McDermott

Butterflies’ Day Nursery, Oxton - Hannah O’Neill

Cosy Corner Day Nursery, Oxton - Hannah O’Neill

Jack and Jill Day Nursery, Oxton - Hannah O’Neill

Jack and Jill Day Nursery, Upton - Louise Thompson

Little Robins Nursery, Upton - Chris Hadfield

Miriam Day Nursery, Birkenhead - Claire McDermott

Overton Nursery and Pre-School, Upton - Chris Hadfield

Park Wood Nursery, Bidston - Hannah O’Neill

See Saw Pre-School, Upton - Louise Thompson

The Priory Pre-School, Birkenhead - Hannah O’Neill

Upton St Mary’s Pre-School - Louise Thompson

Building Blocks Day Nursery and Pre-School, Prenton - Claire McDermott

Daisy and Jake Day Nursery, Prenton - Hannah O’Neill

Essential Early Years Nursery, Birkenhead - Claire McDermott

First Class Nursery School, Prenton - Claire McDermott

Funtrain Day Nursery, Birkenhead - Louise Thompson

Ladybird Pre-School, Oxton - Hannah O’Neill

Little Learners Nursery, Prenton - Hannah O’Neill

Little World Nursery Chris - Hadfield

Prenton Penguins Nursery - Hannah O’Neill

The Learning Tree, Prenton - Chris Hadfield

Winston’s Place, Oxton - Louise Thompson

Wirral Montessori Nursery, Oxton - Louise Thompson

Primary Mainstream Settings

Bidston Avenue Primary - Hannah O’Neill

Bidston Village Primary - Chris Hadfield

Cathcart Street Primary - Chris Hadfield

Co-op Academy Hillside - Claire Mcdermott

Holy Cross RC Primary - Claire McDermott

Manor Primary - Claire McDermott

Our Lady & St Edwards Primary - Chris Hadfield

Overchurch Infants - Chris Hadfield

Overchurch Juniors - Chris Hadfield

Co-op Academy Portland - Claire McDermott

St Joseph’s Catholic Primary, Upton - Louise Thompson

St Paul’s Catholic Primary - Claire McDermott

St Peter’s Catholic Primary, Noctorum - Claire McDermott

The Priory Parish CE Primary - Hannah O’Neill

Bedford Drive Primary - Louise Thompson

Christ Church CE, Birkenhead - Louise Thompson

Devonshire Park Primary - Claire McDermott

Mersey Park Primary - Louise Thompson

Oxton St Saviours - Hannah O’Neill

Prenton Primary - Hannah O’Neill

St Joseph’s Catholic Primary, Birkenhead - Louise Thompson

St Werburgh’s Primary - Louise Thompson

Townfield Primary - Hannah O’Neill

Well Lane Primary - Hannah O’Neill

Woodchurch Road Primary - Hannah O’Neill

Woodlands Primary - Louise Thompson

Birkenhead High School Academy - Stacey Price

Secondary Mainstream Settings

Ridgeway High School - named caseworker to follow

Prenton High School - Stacey Price

Birkenhead High School Academy - Stacey Price

The Birkenhead Park School Academy - Thomas Bromley

St Anselm’s College & Sixth Form - named caseworker to follow

Specialist Settings

Hayfield School - Chris Hadfield

Kilgarth School - Stacey Price

Wirral Hospital School/Joseph Paxton - Stacey Price

The Observatory School (Vyner Site) - Thomas Bromley

Specialist Bases

Bidston Village (Moderate Learning Disability/Social Communication Needs) - Chris Hadfield

Devonshire Park (KS1/KS2 Autistic Spectrum Condition) - Claire McDermott

Manor Base (KS1 Social Emotional Mental Health specialism from Jan 2025) - Claire McDermott

Manor Base (KS2 Social Emotional Mental Health specialism from Sept 2025) - Claire McDermott