Wirral Early Years SEND Team

The Early Years SEND Team provide support to parents and settings for young children aged 0-5 years.
They provide developmental programmes of learning both in the settings and at home. (Portage interventions).

They also provide quality assurance, advice and support for children in the settings and monitor their developmental progress.

Special Education Need & Disability

  • Social Communication

  • Physical Difficulties

  • Sensory Processing Difficulties

  • Speech and Language

  • Hearing Impairment/Deafness

  • Visual Impairment

  • Learning Disabilities

  • Mental Health and Emotional Wellbeing

  • Medical

If your child is before school age and you are worried that your child might have Additional Needs or Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND), there are people that can help.

The Early Years SEND team can offer advice and support for children at home and in settings. There are also streams of funding available to support your child within an Early Years setting.


  • Portage is a home-visiting educational service for pre-school children with SEND and their families.

Setting Support

  • Our Early Years SEND Officers can work with the setting to ensure the successful inclusion of the child.

Special Educational Needs Inclusion Fund (SENIF)

  • Early Years settings and schools can apply for additional funding to support the inclusion of children with additional needs in early education.

  • Read the documents

Disability Access Fund

  • If your child is in a setting and is receiving Disability Living Allowance, the setting can claim a one-off yearly payment to support them in the setting each year.

For more information please click on the following links:

Wirral Gov - Early Years SEND

Wirral Borough Council, PO Box 290, Brighton Street, Wallasey, Wirral CH27 9FQ

Tel: 0151 666 3987

Email: eysend@wirral.gov.uk