Integrated Disability Service - Wirral
The Wirral Integrated Disability service consists of a range of skilled staff from social care including Advanced Practitioners, Social Workers and Care Navigators. This service forms part of the wider Wirral All Age Disability service.
The Wirral Integrated Disability service provides assessment, support planning, reassessment and reviews of adults with lifelong conditions and complex needs acquired before the age of 18, in addition to undertaking mental capacity assessments and associated legal work.
The teams help to:
Get services through assessment and support planning to make sure the right services are provided
Coordinate services, making sure that the support, health and other services involved are focused on the service users' outcomes
Communicate support service users facilitating communication about progress in achieving outcomes and responding to queries from services involved
The Integrated Disability Service follows the assessment and support planning processes for Social Work services to deliver:
Better outcomes for service users in terms of their health and wellbeing, skills and the part they play in their community
The safety of service users and that their experience of services is personalised, reliably delivered and achieves positive
Support to generically available services and other specialist services to enable them to respond better to service users
Support to generically available services to ensure they are aware of service user’s support needs and supporting planning, and how to prevent and / or respond to crisis.
Care plans
Social care staff will work jointly with other professionals with the Care Programme Approach, where it applies. This process ensures that service users with a high level of need are allocated a care coordinator who will work in partnership with the service user to develop a personalised careplan that meets their needs. The different parts of the careplan will include:
A description of the presenting issues
Any risks involved
The service users strengths
What needs to be done to deliver good outcomes for the service user that supports their recovery
Who should be doing what
The service user’s and the carer’s views (which will then be written down and given to all those involved including the service user and carers)
How to access this service
The Wirral Integrated Disability Service accepts referrals from the Adults Integrated Gateway (provided by Wirral Community Trust), the Children’s Integrated Front Door, GPs (directly into the Single Point of Access and not via the Gateway), and Health and Socail Care professionals (including care providers, local colleges and schools, housing organisations, advocacy services, the police, and probation services).