Easter roundup of SEND friendly activities
Easter is just a bunny hop away, so we have put together some SEND friendly activities for children and young people in Wirral!
Easter Holiday Stay and Plays with The Positivitree & Koala North West
Looking for a supportive space this Easter break? Come along to the Family Hubs for practical advice, support, and a safe place for your child to play.
This is for parents of children and young people with extra health or care needs aged 0-24. We’re here to listen, offer non-judgemental support, and provide a space where no subject is off-limits. Booking is essential for these sessions as spaces are limited. A welcoming community, because no one should feel alone:
A welcoming community, because no one should feel alone:
Tuesdays 8th/15th Bromborough 10-12 to. To book phone 0151 666 3246 or email westwirralcc@wirral.gov.uk
Wednesdays 9th/16th Brassey Gardens 10-12. To book phone 0151 666 3323 or email mychildcanbh@wirral.gov.uk
Thursdays 10th/17th Seacombe 9.30-11.30. To book phone 0151 666 3506
Easter Sensory Stay and Play
Koala North West Family Hub are hosting an Easter sensory stay and play for families with neurodiverse children. The session is from 1pm to 3pm on the 7th April. Booking is essential as there are limited spaces. You can phone the hub on 0151 608 8288 or email admin@koalanw.co.uk.
Active Allsports Disability Holiday Programme
Wirral’s Active Allsports Disability Holiday Programme will run from Monday 7 to Thursday 10 April and Monday 4 and Thursday 17 Aprill. To view the full timetable and book activities visit Active Allsports - Active Wirral - Invigor8