Get Moving: How Exercise Can Boost Your Mental Health

Did you know that getting your body moving isn't just great for staying fit, but it's also a huge boost for your mental health? Latest research shows that 82% of people believe regular physical activity is super important for mental wellbeing. But here’s the thing – more than a third of UK adults aren't getting enough exercise. Let’s dive into why that is and how you can start moving more to feel better.


Why Move?

Regular physical activity is proven to improve not just your physical health but also your mental health. It can:

- Reduce feelings of stress and anger by releasing "feel good" hormones.

- Help you sleep better.

- Boost your self-esteem.

- Connect you with others, especially in group activities.


What’s Stopping Us?

A lot of people know that exercise is good for them, but there are some common obstacles:

Time: 37% of people say they just can't find the time.

Tiredness: 28% feel too tired to work out.

Motivation: Sometimes it’s hard to get started, especially if you don't enjoy the activity.


Tips to Get Moving and Improve Your Mental Health

1. Find Fun Activities: Exercise doesn’t have to be boring! Try dancing, skateboarding, or playing a sport you love. The key is to find something you enjoy.


2. Join a Group: Exercising with friends or in a team can make it more fun and keep you motivated. Plus, it's a great way to meet new people.


3. Start Small: You don’t need to hit the gym for an hour every day. Even short bursts of activity, like a 10-minute walk, can make a difference.


4. Set Goals: Having a goal, like running a 5K or mastering a new dance move, can give you something to work towards and keep you motivated.


5. Mix It Up: Variety is the spice of life! Mix different activities to keep things interesting. One day you might go for a run, the next you could try yoga or a dance class.


6. Make It a Habit: Try to build exercise into your daily routine. Whether it's biking to school, a morning jog, or a weekend hike, consistency is key.


7. Use Tech: There are loads of apps and online videos that can guide you through workouts and track your progress. Find one that suits your style and needs.


8.Stay Positive: Don’t be too hard on yourself if you miss a workout or don’t feel up to it some days. Every bit of activity helps, and the most important thing is to keep trying.


Overcoming Barriers

Weather Bad weather? No problem! Try indoor activities like home workouts, gym classes, or indoor sports. Jump on Youtube for some free programmes that you can do anywhere!

Cost: Look for free or low-cost options like community sports, running clubs, or online exercise videos.

Local Facilities Check out local parks, and Active Wirral Leisure Centres, or community groups that offer beginner-friendly activities.


The Bigger Picture

Remember, staying active is easier when your life feels stable. Things like having a safe home, enough money, and good health all play a big role. If you're facing challenges in these areas, seek support from friends, family, or check out Wirral’s range of local organisations who can help you get things under control.

Taking care of your mental health through movement is something everyone can do, no matter where you start. The important thing is to get moving and find what works for you. So lace up those trainers, grab a mate, and start moving!


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