Let’s Talk About….Adult Social Care

mencap event

A free event for people with a learning disability, family carers and professionals!

Let’s Talk About…Adult Social Care is a free event with a light lunch for people with a learning disability, parents and informal carers.

It is for anyone who wants to know more about rights and responsibilities in social care and how the Care Act 2014 works. There will be talks on Wirral Borough Council Co-Production Strategy, Social Care moving back into the Council from the NHS, Direct Payments and more.

When: Wednesday 15th November 2023

Where: Liberty Centre, 7 Whetstone Lane, Birkenhead, CH41 2QS

What time: 10.30am - 1.30pm

Booking essential  phone: 0151 666 1829 email: info@mencapwirral.org.uk

Please pass this information on to people that may want to attend.

Bookings can be made by emailing  info@mencapwirral.org.uk  or by calling us on 0151 666 1829


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