MODS is Back!

mods poster

MODS is a bespoke holiday provision designed to help children and young people transitioning from primary to secondary school socially and emotionally develop through a structured, action packed programme

MODS is based on 3 key themes Fun, Friendship and Transition

We believe that giving our young people a safe space and opportunity to practice these skills will stand them in excellent stead as they transition through life.

This year MODS is going on tour! MODS projects across the borough.

South Wirral Youth Space, and Pilgrim Street Youth Arts Centre will all play host to this years projects ensuring young people from across the borough have access to this amazing project.

MODS South Wirral (Eastham)  will be running from Tuesday 6th August - Friday 9th August 10am - 2pm at South Wirral Youth Space

MODS Birkenhead will be running from Tuesday 6th August - Friday 9th August. (This is a smaller group for those young people who may need a more nurturing setting that has quiet spaces, and a more arts and crafts based programme)

MODS is aimed at children going from year 6 into year 7 and is designed to help those children who may struggle with attendance, behaviour, and emotional wellbeing as they transition into secondary education. 

MODS is proven to help young people in this important period to develop their confidence and self esteem, make friends, and improve their aspirations.

Don't hang around as spaces are limited so is first come first served. Please only refer children from year 6 entering into year 7.

Referrals will close on 19th July and no referrals will be taken past this date. Please note this does not guarantee a space and spaces are limited. We will do our best ensure as many young people can access.

To refer a young person please complete the referral


Latest Wirral Local Area SEND Data Published


Listening Event for Parent and Carers