New Handbook Equips Teachers to Support Learners with SEND

image taken from SEND teacher handbook

In a significant stride towards inclusive education, the Whole School SEND consortium, under the auspices of nasen, unveils a comprehensive resource aimed at empowering educators to effectively cater to learners with Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities (SEND).

Recognising the transformative impact of inclusive education, the handbook addresses a critical question echoing through educational circles: How can teachers adeptly meet the diverse needs of learners with SEND? With a steadfast commitment to removing barriers to learning and embracing individual differences, the handbook emerges as a beacon of guidance for educators navigating the complex terrain of inclusive pedagogy.

At the heart of the handbook lies a wealth of practical insights and pedagogical approaches tailored to various curriculum domains. From understanding and dismantling barriers to learning to facilitating seamless transitions between educational phases, the handbook equips teachers with actionable strategies rooted in inclusive principles. Notably, a dedicated section on Intersectionality delves into the nuanced experiences and intersections of vulnerabilities among learners with SEND.

In emphasising the holistic nature of inclusive teaching, the handbook underscores the pivotal role of every educator in championing equitable learning experiences for all learners. It encapsulates not just a skillset but a mindset, urging teachers to embrace the belief that optimizing outcomes for every student is intrinsic to their professional ethos.

The release of the "Teacher Handbook: SEND" comes as an invaluable addition to the array of resources and research offered by the Whole School SEND consortium. By complementing existing initiatives, the handbook emerges as an indispensable companion for educators navigating the dynamic landscape of inclusive education.

Download the Handbook




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