SEND Snapshot December 2023

Hi Everyone, 

Hope you’re all well and looking forward to Christmas. Whilst the children and young people (and their teachers) are excited to break up for the holidays, we know that for many of us Parents/Carers, the thought of trying to keep our children safe and happy can feel a little daunting. 

When we’ve spoken with Parents and Carers it became clear that you might like a SEND CHRISTMAS SNAPSHOT to help you manage the festive period. With the help of our colleagues working in Health, we have put together some useful information and tips for the Christmas holidays, often a rather tricky time for our SEND young people and their families. We’ve also added a list of the services in Wirral along with their contact details.

It’s been lovely to meet up with so many of you at our regular SEND Parent and Carer drop in sessions. We’ve made our way around settings across the Borough and it’s been fab to be invited into so many schools and meet up with you. The SEND information sessions are open to all SEND Parents and Carers (not just those with children and young people attending that school)

The dates for the Parent & Carer SEND information sessions for 2024 will be advertised in the What’s On section of our new SENDLO website, social media, via schools & 3rd sector social media channels. Watch this space-

Twitter - @lowirral 

 We were delighted to see so many of you at last month’s SENDLO LIVE event at the Floral Pavilion. Over 700 of you visited during the 1-8pm timeframe and your feedback was fantastic. We’re made up to hear that the 55 services in the SEND Marketplace, the Workshops and live demos of SENDLO helped you to get answers to your questions and leave better informed. 

The Positivitree kindly arranged for Parents and Carers to support other Parents and Carers on the day and our SEND Youth Voice group were on hand to lend peer support to our younger visitors. We were treated to a rolling programme of expressive dance from Creative Youth Development who powerfully used their voice to raise awareness of the difficulties and barriers young people with SEND can face. 

We would like to wish you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. 

Sally and Poppy

The SEND Participation and Engagement Team


Meet Imogen: Wirral’s Designated Clinical Officer for SEND


Call Out for your SEND Friendly Events and Activities