sendlo live lighting letters

Last Thursday from 1pm to 8pm, over 55 SEND services/organisations came together under one roof to celebrate the launch of Wirral’s newly launched SENDLO website and physically showcase all that is on offer in our local area across Health, Education, Social care and third sector organisations.

The 7 hour timeframe was a HUGE ask but one that the services happily agreed to (there was even had a reserve list, such was the appetite) with the rationale being that schools, practitioners, young people, parents who don’t work, parents who work in the day and families could all find a time to visit to suit them. Live performances and workshops were offered throughout the day and there were few dry eyes in the room when the fantastic SEND Youth Voice dance group performed two pieces highlighting the barriers encountered in their everyday lives.

members of youth voice group at Sendlo live

Poppy Cain, SEND Youth Engagement Officer played a big part in the planning and delivery of the day. A great ambassador for SEND young people. A sensory room for visitors benefitting from a little down time away from the noise, lights and crowds and activities for some of our younger visitors proved a big hit.

Paddy Rogers, SENDLO’s web designer was on hand to give demonstrations of the website to help people get the most out of the functionality and accessibility of the website. Speaking of the accessibility tool to aid people with ADHD one parent said “ This is fantastic! Literally a game changer!” SENDLO Live! The Mayor & Mayoress opened the event and stayed for over two hours chatting to services.

The room was packed from the outset and a steady stream of visitors were still signing in at 7.20pm. Parent and Carers thanked organisers for listening and ensuring that working parents could attend such a key event.

The marketplace saw practitioners engaging with one another as well as parents and carers getting answers to questions, signposted to help and ultimately leaving more informed and better placed to support their children Schools attended during the afternoon. Some were represented by SENCOs and others brought pupils along. 15 SEND Champions from Pensby High school spent time talking to services to enable them to inform their peers and teachers.

sendlo live room

Visitors were encouraged to ‘have their say’ re SENDLO and the event and whilst that feedback is still coming in and, as such, yet to be evaluated the consistent message was super positive and gratitude for an outstanding, much needed event with a SEND specific focus.

The feedback from young people and parents and carers was fantastic. In response to the question, "What was the best thing about SENDLO Live?", people said:

“The positive feeling in the room, the support on offer and everything under one roof to help people know what is out there.”

“So many people willing to help, I had a feeling I am not alone with my problems.”

“People on your side! People with knowledge about 'the systems' and also the fact that everyone seemed to know everyone so when I asked about other services/people I'd heard about - they knew who I was talking about.”


The Positivitree festive sessions

