The Positivitree Christmas Appeal 2023


We are fundraising to feed families who are staying in hospital with their poorly child over Christmas. We will provide a 3 course meal including selection boxes for families staying at our two local Ronald McDonald Houses

This is the 5th year we have run a Christmas appeal and each year the need gets greater and your generosity grows too!

The main focus of our appeal is to provide Christmas Dinners to families who are staying at our two local Ronald McDonald Houses in Merseyside.

The second focus is to treat all parents staying in hospital with their poorly child to a little bag of festive goodies

The third focus is creating opportunities for you to volunteer time at Christmas for an amazing cause.

We will be collecting monetary donations via our just giving pages and at all of our groups, activities and events.

Donations of filled gift bags can be dropped at any of our sessions or by contacting to arrange drop off at our office in Wallasey.

We know that it’s a big ask at this time of year so please know that any donation, no matter how big or small will make a massive difference!

As always we are working in partnership with some amazing organisations to make this happen.

Thanks to our friends at Ronald McDonald House Charity & Can Cook/Well Fed for working with us for the 5th year.

To donate visit Just Giving


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