Online Safety
Staying safe online is really important whenever you use the internet. It's like taking care of yourself in the virtual world. Just like we look both ways before crossing the street, we need to follow some rules to make sure we're safe online too. When you're on the internet, you can talk to friends, play games, and learn new things. But there are also things you should be careful about. Some people might not be nice, and some things might try to trick you. So, it's good to know how to keep yourself safe while having fun online.
You know how you don't share your secrets with just anyone? Well, it's the same online. Don't give out your real name, address, phone number, or stuff like that to people you don't know in real life.
If something online makes you confused or uncomfortable, it's totally okay to ask a someone you trust for help. They can explain things or make sure you're safe.
You can report anything your concerned about online by visiting CEOP
Just like in real life, online friends should be nice and respectful. If someone is mean or makes you feel bad, it's okay to stop talking to them.
Your password is like a secret code to your online stuff. Don't share it with anyone. Make it strong by using a mix of letters, numbers, and maybe even some symbols.
Stick to websites and games that you know are safe. Ask your grown-ups which websites are okay for you to use.
Safe websites usually have a little lock shape in the web address bar. This shows you that the website has security built in.
Just like you're kind to your friends in person, be kind to people online too. Don't say mean stuff or be a cyberbully.
Some apps and websites let you control who can see your stuff. Check out the privacy settings with a grown-up to make sure you're sharing only with people you want to.
If you see something that asks for your information or wants you to click on it, ask a friend or a trusted person first. Some things might be tricks to get your info.
Spending too much time online can be tiring. Make sure you also spend time doing other fun stuff, like playing outside or reading a book.
Advice and Support
Online Relationships
Live Streaming
Meeting People Online
Sending Nudes
Reporting and Blocking
Finding Support
Further Support
UK Safer Internet Centre
UK Safer Internet
Online safety tips, advice and resources to help children and young people stay safe online.
Community support
Telephone: 0344 800 2382
Email: enquiries@saferinternet.org.uk
National Online Safety
National Online Safety
At National Online Safety, it is our mission to make the internet a safer place for children. We will achieve this by equipping school staff, parents and children with the knowledge they need to understand online dangers and how best to react should an incident arise.
Community support
Telephone: 0800 368 8061
Email: hello@nationalonlinesafety.com
CEOP helps keep children and young people safe from sexual abuse and grooming online. We help thousands of children and young people every year, as well as their parents and carers who have been in a similar situation to you. CEOP are unable to respond to reports about bullying, fake accounts or account hacking.
If you a have a concern report it here
Childline is yours – a free, private and confidential service where you can talk about anything. Childline is here to help anyone under 19 in the UK with any issue they’re going through. You can talk about anything. Whether it’s something big or small, our trained counsellors are here to support you.
Community support
Telephone: 0800 1111