Post-16 Locality Team Information

Below you will find the details of confirmed team members in the Post-16 Locality. There may still be some vacancies. Details will be updated as and when new staff join the team or roles are confirmed. Settings in this Locality will not have named caseworkers. Instead the caseworkers will work as a team across all settings.

If this is the locality your school or setting is in please use this email address for any requests or enquiries. Please indicate clearly in the subject box what your email is about.

Locality Manager - Ingrid Grimes

Personal expertise in Post-16.


Victoria Barnard (Laura Smith cover until February 2025)

Alison Heron

Jaine Crompton

Erica Evans (Covered by Steve Adderley)

Allison Carruthers

Lyndzay Roberts

Support Officers

Lee Rathbone

Specialist Business Support Officer - Gill Kinsey

All Education Health and Care Needs Assessment (EHCNA) Requests or general enquires should be sent to your localities new email address.

Settings in this locality

Birkenhead Sixth Form College

Wirral Metropolitan College

St Anselm’s College & Sixth Form

Upton Hall (FCJ) & Sixth Form

Calday Grange Grammar School & Sixth Form

Hilbre High School & Sixth Form

West Kirby Grammar School & Sixth Form

Morthyng Vocational College

Weatherhead High School

The Mosslands School & Sixth Form