Resourced Provisions
Resourced Provisions are parts of schools that help children with an Education and Health Care Plan (EHCP). Children and young people who are in an Resourced Provisions are still part of the main school and get help from both Resourced Provisions staff and other school staff working together.
Resourced Provisions have well-trained staff to help in all classes so they can join in all school activities. Some children and young people need extra help to learn, so Resourced Provisions give them a safe place where they can get lessons, small group teaching, and other support to help meet their needs.
The main goal is to help young people take part with school life and learn everything their peers do. Some children and young people may feel too nervous to be in some classes at first, so Resourced Provisions give them the right support to help them join more classes over time.
Resourced Provisions have allocated areas in the school where children and young people can go during break times to feel safe and talk with staff. Some RPs also have sensory rooms to help children and young people understand their feelings and regulate their emotions.
It's important to know that Resourced Provisions are not separate schools; they are part of the main school with the main aim to help children and young people get a mainstream education with the right support.
These lists provide a comprehensive overview of the range of resources and support available in Wirral schools for children and young people with SEND.
Ganney's Meadow School & Family Centre
- Provision Type: Early Years RP
- Primary Needs: ASC, Complex Learning Difficulties (CLD)
- Places Available: 36
- Support Provided:
- Three classes organised by ability and sensory needs
- Adapted curriculum tailored to individual needs
- Privately commissioned SALT provision
- SEND consultant for staff training and continuous professional development (CPD)
Bidston Village CofE (Controlled) Primary School
- Provision Type: Education Inclusion Base (EIB) for KS1 and KS2
- Primary Needs: Moderate Learning Difficulties (MLD), Social Communication Needs (SCN)
- Places Available: 24
- Support Provided:
- Access to mainstream education in small bubbles
- Use of pivots to capture data for reading, writing, maths, speaking, and listening
- Commissioned Speech and Language Therapy (SALT) for 2 days per week
- All pupils have Education Health and Care Plans (EHCPs)
Devonshire Park Primary School
- Provision Type: Yew (KS1) and Maple (KS2)
- Primary Needs: Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD), Social Communication Needs (SCN)
- Places Available: 30
- Support Provided:
- Individual integration into mainstream lessons and extracurricular activities
- All pupils have EHCPs
Egremont Primary School
- Provision Type: New provision from September 2024 for KS1, Lower KS2, and Upper KS2
- Primary Needs: SEMH, ASD, SCN
- Places Available: 16
- Support Provided:
- Nurturing environment with small class sizes
- Access to mainstream English and Maths lessons
- Facilities include sensory room, bouncy pod, rock-climbing wall, self-regulation room, soft play equipment, and on-site outside areas with climbing equipment, Forest Schools, and a football cage
- Regular incorporation of local beach and park into provision
- Partnerships with external agencies offering various programmes such as Nurture UK, Zones of Regulation, My Happy Mind, Art Therapy, Forest School, ADHD foundation, Roots of Empathy, and a counsellor
Eastway Primary School
- Provision Type: Three specialist RPs across Foundation, KS1, and KS2 (Apollo, Discovery, Enterprise)
- Primary Needs: Social Communication Needs (SCN)
- Places Available: 24
- Support Provided:
- Adapted curriculum with some mainstream inclusion
- Early Years RP for complex learning difficulties (CLD) with 8 places
- EHCPs for all pupils
Fender Primary School
- Provision Type: KS1 and KS2 called Mini Monsters (KS1), Mega Monsters (KS2)
- Primary Needs: Social Communication Difficulties (ASC)
- Places Available: 16
- Support Provided:
- Pupils must have an EHCP and a diagnosis of Autism or be on the ASD pathway
- Integration into mainstream education based on academic, social, and emotional potential
Greenleas Primary School (Hearing RP)
- Provision Type: Specialist support for deaf pupils
- Primary Needs: Hearing Impairments
- Places Available: Up to 10
- Support Provided:
- Educational support from appropriately qualified staff
- Training and support for staff to respond to the needs of deaf pupils
- Short-term assessment placements for intense early intervention
- All pupils have EHCPs or Individual Pupil Funding Agreements (IPFA)
Grove Street Primary School
- Provision Type: New provision from September 2024 for Early Years
- Primary Needs: ASC, Social Communication Needs (SCN), Global Developmental Delay
- Places Available: 24
- Support Provided:
- All pupils have EHCPs
- Tailored support and integration plans
Heswall Primary School
- Provision Type: New provision from September 2024 for Foundation 2 – KS1
- Primary Needs: Complex Learning Difficulties (CLD)
- Places Available: 8
- Support Provided:
- Individualised support and integration plans
New Brighton Primary School
- Provision Type: RP for KS1 and KS2
- Primary Needs: ASD, SCN, Moderate Learning Difficulties (MLD)
- Places Available: 22 (10 for KS1, 12 for KS2)
- Support Provided:
- Phased transition over time to suit the cohort of children
- All pupils have EHCPs
Sandbrook Primary School
- Provision Type: New provision from September 2024 for KS1 and KS2
- Primary Needs: ASC
- Places Available: 24 (12 for KS1 and 12 for KS2)
- Support Provided:
- All pupils have EHCPs
- Individualised support and integration plans
Stanton Road Primary School
- Provision Type: New provision from September 2024 for Foundation 2 – KS1
- Primary Needs: Social Communication Needs (SCN)
- Places Available: 12
- Support Provided:
- Individualised support and integration plans
Woodslee Primary School
- Provision Type: KS2 Resource Provision known as ‘Birch’
- Primary Needs: Social and Communication difficulties (SCN), Social Emotional and Mental Health (SEMH) difficulties
- Places Available:8
- Support Provided:
- Bespoke timetables with options for mainstream inclusion
- Integration with peers during lunch and break times
- Enhanced sports curriculum
- Health care professional supporting families and managing ASC
Manor Primary School
- Provision Type: New provision from January 2025 for KS1
- Primary Needs: Social, Emotional and Mental Health difficulties (SEMH)
- Places Available: 10
Co-Op Academy Bebington
- Provision Type: KS3 & KS4 RP
- Primary Needs: Moderate Learning Difficulties (MLD)
- Places Available: 34
- Support Provided:
- Access to mainstream education for some lessons
- All pupils have EHCPs
Hilbre High School
- Provision Type: KS3 & KS4 RP
- Primary Needs: Autistic Spectrum Condition (ASC), Moderate Learning Difficulties (MLD)
- Places Available: 30
- Support Provided:
- Two models: one for ASC pupils working at age-related expectations and one for MLD pupils working significantly below age-related expectations
- Access to small groups and mainstream lessons
- Holistic lessons within the RP for ASC pupils (e.g., Social Skills, SALT, Motor Skills, Yoga)
- Academic lessons for MLD pupils based on KS1 primary curriculum
- Alternative curriculum to GCSEs at KS4 for MLD pupils
- All pupils have EHCPs
The Oldershaw School
- Provision Type: KS3 & KS4 RP called ‘Sycamore’
- Primary Needs: Communication & Interaction/Moderate Learning Disabilities
- Places Available: 30
- Support Provided:
- Small class sizes within year groups
- Transition towards mainstream access
- Buddy system
- All pupils have EHCPs
St Mary’s Catholic College
- Provision Type: KS3 & KS4 RP called ‘The Arc’
- Primary Needs: ASD, Social Communication Needs (SCN)
- Places Available: 24
- Support Provided:
- Blend of lessons in the Arc and mainstream classes
- Facilities include three classrooms, two sensory rooms, and a sensory circuit
- Individualised timetables
- All pupils have EHCPs
Woodchurch High School
- Provision Type: KS3 & KS4 RP
- Primary Needs: ASD, Social Communication Needs (SCN)
- Places Available: 20
- Support Provided:
- Individual timetables with supported study sessions and small group social skills classes
- Access to mainstream lessons with support
- Inclusion hub for breaks, lunch, and quiet study time
- All pupils have EHCPs