South Wirral Locality Team Information

Below you will find the details of confirmed team members in the South Wirral Locality. There may still be some vacancies. Details will be updated as and when new staff join the team or roles are confirmed.

If this is the locality your school or setting is in please use this email address for any requests or enquiries. Please indicate clearly in the subject box what your email is about.

Locality Manager - Nicola Smyth

Personal expertise managed moves and permanent exclusions.


Susi Sorrentino

Tina Richardson

Sophie Cowling-Monks

Gemma Youds

Support Officers

Elizabeth Marr

Specialist Business Support Officer - Ralph Edwards

All Education Health and Care Needs Assessment (EHCNA) Requests or general enquires should be sent to your localities new email address.

Settings in this locality and named caseworker

Early Years Settings

Bebington Pre-School - Sophie Cowling-Monks

Bethany Day Nursery, Eastham - Sophie Cowling-Monks

Blue Bells Day Nursery, Bebington - Sophie Cowling-Monks

Brookhurst Pre-School - Tina Richardson

Christ The King Pre-School, Bromborough - Tina Richardson

Busy Bees Spital Nursery - Sophie Cowling-Monks

Daisy Chain Day Nursery, Bebington - Sophie Cowling-Monks

Holy Trinity Pre-School, Spital - Sophie Cowling-Monks

Little Owls, Bromborough - Sophie Cowling-Monks

Nye Home Nursery, Clatterbridge - Sophie Cowling-Monks

Piglet’s Corner, Bromborough - Tina Richardson

Poulton Penguins Nursery, Bromborough - Sophie Cowling-Monks

Thornton Hough Pre-School - Gemma Youds

Jack and Jill Nursery, Rockferry - Gemma Youds

Little Cherubs Day Nursery, Rockferry - Gemma Youds

Park Lodge Day Nursery, Rockferry - Gemma Youds

Pulford Playgroup, Bebington - Sophie Cowling-Monks

Primary Mainstream Settings

Brackenwood Infant School - Sophie Cowling-Monks

Brackenwood Junior School - Sophie Cowling-Monks

Brookhurst Primary - Tina Richardson

Christ The King Catholic Primary - Tina Richardson

Church Drive Primary - Sophie Cowling-Monks

Heygarth Primary - Tina Richardson

Higher Bebington Juniors - Sophie Cowling-Monks

Mendell Primary - Tina Richardson

Millfields Primary - Tina Richardson

Poulton Lancelyn Primary - Sophie Cowling-Monks

Raeburn Primary - Tina Richardson

Stanton Road Primary - Sophie Cowling-Monks

St Andrew’s Primary - Gemma Youds

St John’s Infants - Gemma Youds

St John’s Juniors - Gemma Youds

Thornton Hough Primary - Gemma Youds

Town Lane Infants - Sophie Cowling-Monks

Co-op Academy Woodslee - Tina Richardson

Grove Street Primary - Gemma Youds

Rock Ferry Primary - Gemma Youds

St Anne’s Primary - Gemma Youds

Secondary Mainstream Settings

Co-op Academy Bebington - Susi Sorrentino

St John Plessington - Susi Sorrentino

South Wirral High School - Gemma Youds

Wirral Grammar for Boys - Sophie Cowling-Monks

Wirral Grammer for Girls - Sophie Cowling-Monks

Specialist Bases

Stanton Road – KS1 Autistic Spectrum Condition - Sophie Cowling-Monks

Grove Street – KS1 Complex Learning Difficulties - Gemma Youds

Co-op Academy Woodslee – EY/KS1 and KS2 Autism Spectrum Condition - Tina Richardson

Brackenwood Infant School (From Sept 25) – KS1 Autistic Spectrum Condition - Sophie Cowling-Monks

Co-op Academy Bebington – KS3/4 Moderate Learning Disability - Susi Sorrentino