The Positivitree

The Positivitree is a mental health and wellbeing organisation that helps families of children, young people or adults with additional health or care needs. The Positivitree is a social enterprise on a mission to empower parents and carers with self-care tools and experiences that improve wellbeing. The main focus of the organisation is on the wellbeing and self-care of the parent-carer community.


The organisation was first set up when our founders had their own experience of being carers for their son and found that the best way to cope was to surround themselves with positive support, using coaches and mentors to improve their mindset.


Merseyside-based charity on a mission to empower parents & carers with self-care tools and experiences that improve wellbeing.


5 Ways We Work

  • Community

  • Staying active

  • Awareness

  • Learning

  • Volunteer

Our aim is to address the needs of the parents/carers by offering these services in the hope that by teaching them the power of self-care they can apply this to their everyday life, thus improving the lives of themselves and their families.

Contact Us


Phone: 07877 782 826 

Address: Vale House Community Centre, Vale House, Vale Park, Wallasey, CH45 1lZ

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