Wallasey Locality Team Information

Below you will find the details of confirmed team members in the Wallasey Locality. There may still be some vacancies. Details will be updated as and when new staff join the team or roles are confirmed.

If this is the locality your school or setting is in please use this email address for any requests or enquiries. Please indicate clearly in the subject box what your email is about.


Locality Manager - Miranda Chestnutt

Personal expertise in Annual Reviews.


Holly Austin

Deborah Wilson

Sophie Parker

Anna Shaw

Lauren Redmond

Victoria Stockton

Lorna Humphreys

Danielle Cartwright

Courtney Jones

Support Officers

Adele-Amee Edwards

Carla Dickens

Jennifer Snowdon

Specialist Business Support Officer - Chris Oxley

All Education Health and Care Needs Assessment (EHCNA) Requests or general enquires should be sent to your localities new email address.


Settings in this locality and named caseworker

Early Years Settings

Ash House Day Nursery, Wallasey - Anna Shaw

Castleway Nursery - Danielle Cartwright

Daisy Day Nursery, Wallasey - Courtney Jones

Busy Bees Nursery, Moreton - Danielle Cartwright

Ducklings Day Nursery, Moreton - Danielle Cartwright

Eversely Nursery, Wallasey - Courtney Jones

Greenleas Pre-School, Wallasey - Courtney Jones

Little Angels Day Nursery & Pre-School, Moreton - Danielle Cartwright

Little Lodge Day Nursery, Wallasey - Danielle Cartwright

Little Rainbows Nursery, Wallasey - Danielle Cartwright

Lyn’s Little Ones, Wallasey - Anna Shaw

Manor Childcare Centre - Anna Shaw

Moreton Baptist Pre-School - Danielle Cartwright

New Brighton Day Nursery - Holly Austin

Oakdale Children’s Nursery, Wallasey - Courtney Jones

Pitter Patter Day Nursery - Holly Austin

Somerville Nursery, Wallasey - Courtney Jones

Vale Kids Playgroup - Holly Austin

Primary Mainstream Settings

Castleway Primary - Danielle Cartwright

Christ Church CE Primary, Moreton - Danielle Cartwright

Eastway Primary - Lauren Redmond

Egremont Primary - Anna Shaw

Greenleas Primary - Courtney Jones

Holy Spirit Catholic and CE Primary - Courtney Jones

Kingsway Primary - Courtney Jones

Leasowe Primary - Holly Austin

Lingham Primary - Holly Austin

Liscard Primary - Anna Shaw

Mount Primary - Courtney Jones

New Brighton Primary - Holly Austin

Park Primary - Lorna Humphreys

Riverside Primary - Lorna Humphreys

Sacred Heart Primary - Courtney Jones

Sandbrook Primary - Victoria Stockton

Somerville Primary - Courtney Jones

St Alban’s Catholic Primary - Victoria Stockton

St George’s Primary - Victoria Stockton

St Joseph’s Catholic Primary, Wallasey - Victoria Stockton

St Peter and Paul’s Catholic Primary - Courtney Jones

Secondary Mainstream Settings

St Mary’s Catholic College - Lauren Redmond

The Mosslands School - Lauren Redmond

The Oldershaw Academy - Lorna Humphreys

Weatherhead High School - Holly Austin

Specialist Settings

Elleray Park School - Anna Shaw

Orrets Meadow School - Holly Austin

Clare Mount Specialist Sports College - Deb Wilson

Specialist Bases

Eastway Primary – KS1/KS2 Autism Spectrum Condition, and Complex Learning Difficulties - Lauren Redmond

Greenleas Hearing Base - Courtney Jones

New Brighton Primary – KS1 Social Communication Needs, and KS2 Moderate Learning Disability - Holly Austin

Egremont Primary – KS1/KS2 Social Emotional Mental Health - Anna Shaw

Sandbrook Primary – KS1/KS2 Autistic Spectrum Condition - Victoria Stockton

St Mary’s Catholic College – KS3 Autistic Spectrum Condition and Moderate Learning Disability - Lauren Redmond

The Oldershaw Academy – KS3/4 Moderate Learning Disability - Lorna Humphreys