West Wirral Locality Team Information

Below you will find the details of confirmed team members in the West Wirral Locality. There may still be some vacancies. Details will be updated as and when new staff join the team or roles are confirmed.

If this is the locality your school or setting is in please use this email address for any requests or enquiries. Please indicate clearly in the subject box what your email is about.


Locality Manager - Pamela Yates

Personal expertise in Early Years


Victoria Cosgrove

Olivia Walberg

Kayleigh Baxter

Olivia Barnes

Sarah Bell

Louise Gee

Support Officers

Andrea Fairclough

Heather Johnston

Specialist Business Support Officer - Anthony Cunningham

All Education Health and Care Needs Assessment (EHCNA) Requests or general enquires should be sent to your localities new email address.


Settings in this locality

Early Years

Auntie Jayne’s House, Pensby - Louise Gee

Barnston Buddies, Heswall - Olivia Barnes

Bright Smiles Day Nursery, Hoylake - Olivia Barnes

Brookdale Pre-School, Greasby - Olivia Barnes

Busy Bee Nursery, Thurstaston - Kayleigh Baxter

CAPE Pre-School, Thingwall - Olivia Barnes

Gayton Pre-School - Olivia Barnes

Greasby Pre-School - Liv Walberg

Irby Pre-School - Olivia Barnes

Jack and Jill Day Nursery, Brimstage - Olivia Barnes

Kids Planet, Hoylake - Olivia Barnes

Ladymount Pre-School - Olivia Barnes

Marigolds Day Nursery, Heswall - Liv Walberg

Our Lady of Pity Pre-School - Olivia Barnes

Sanderlings Day Nursery - Olivia Barnes

Small Steps Early Years Centre - Kayleigh Baxter

Smarties Nursery and Pre-School, Meols - Liv Walberg

St Agnes Pre School - Olivia Barnes

Treetops Nursery, Thingwall - Liv Walberg

The Mulberry Tree Day Nursery, Hoylake - Olivia Barnes

The Warrens Nursery, Thingwall - Liv Walberg

Three Gables Day Nursery, Greasby - Olivia Barnes

Ganney’s Meadow Early Years Centre - Olivia Barnes

Daisy and Jake Day Nursery, Woodchurch - Sarah Bell

Pudsey Day Nursery, Woodchurch - Sarah Bell

Auntie Em’s Childminding, Woodchurch - Sarah Bell

Primary Schools

Barnston Primary - Olivia Barnes

Black Horse Hill Infants - Liv Walberg

Black Horse Hill Juniors - Liv Walberg

Brookdale Primary - Olivia Barnes

Dawpool CE Primary - Kayleigh Baxter

Gayton Primary - Olivia Barnes

Greasby Infants - Liv Walberg

Greasby Juniors - Liv Walberg

Great Meols Primary - Liv Walberg

Heswall Primary - Liv Walberg

Hoylake Holy Trinity Primary - Olivia Barnes

Irby Primary - Olivia Barnes

Ladymount RC Primary - Olivia Barnes

Our Lady of Pity Primary - Olivia Barnes

Pensby Primary - Louise Gee

St Bridget’s CE Primary - Kayleigh Baxter

St Peter’s CE Primary, Heswall - Kayleigh Baxter

Thingwall Primary - Liv Walberg

West Kirby Primary - Olivia Barnes

Fender Primary - Sarah Bell

St Michael’s & All Angels Primary - Sarah Bell

Woodchurch CE Primary - Sarah Bell

Secondary Schools

Calday Grange Grammar School & Sixth Form - Kayleigh Baxter

Hilbre High School & Sixth Form - Liv Walberg

Pensby High School - Sarah Bell

Upton Hall School & Sixth Form - Kayleigh Baxter

West Kirby Grammar School & Sixth Form - Kayleigh Baxter

Woodchurch High School - Sarah Bell

Specialist Schools

Stanley School - Louise Gee

Gilbrook School - Kayleigh Baxter

Meadowside School - Victoria Cosgrove

Foxfield School - Victoria Cosgrove

Specialist Bases

Ganneys Early Years Centre – F2 Complex Learning Difficulties Base - Olivia Barnes

Heswall Primary – KS1 Complex Learning Difficulties - Liv Walberg

Hilbre High School – KS3/4 Moderate Learning Disability/Autistic Spectrum Condition Base - Liv Walberg

Fender Primary – KS1/KS2 Autistic Spectrum Condition Base - Sarah Bell

Woodchurch High - Autistic Spectrum Condition - Sarah Bell