Wirral Attendance Service
Wirral’s Attendance Service seeks to ensure that every child receives the maximum benefit from the education opportunities provided. We work in partnership with children and young people, parents and carers, school staff and other agencies to achieve this.
Parents who are concerned about their child’s school attendance should contact us on 0151 666 3433.
Office hours are Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm.
If we are unable to take your call immediately, please leave a clear message stating your name, child’s name, date of birth, school and a telephone number and email address (optional). We will get back to you as soon as possible (typically the same day or the following day if the call is later in the afternoon).
Statutory services we provide include:
School attendance: schoolattendance@wirral.gov.uk
Tracking children missing from education: cme@wirral.gov.uk
Elective Home Education: ehe@wirral.gov.uk
Education Penalty Notices,
Education Supervision Orders and School Attendance Orders: educationpenaltynotices@wirral.gov.uk
Child Employment: childlicensing@wirral.gov.uk
Child Performance Licensing and Chaperones: childlicensing@wirral.gov.uk
Written enquiries should be sent to:
Wirral Attendance Service
Wirral Council
PO Box 290
Brighton Street
CH27 9FQ