A summer of events for families of children with complex needs

group of young people, children and parent carers.

A series of summer sessions have offered children with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) a safe space to play, while parents could share their ideas for the future of SEND services in the borough.

The SEND & SENDLO complex needs workshops took place at Pilgrim Street Arts Centre across four sessions in July and August, with children and young people’s needs at their heart.

Parents and carers of local children and young people with complex needs have told SEND officers that there are limited options for activities suitable for youngsters with more severe and complex needs.

The idea behind the events was to create opportunities where the young people could play, create and socialise freely, in a safe and inclusive space. With trained SEND professionals on hand, the events also offered a chance for parents to relax and talk openly about how the local SEND offer can be developed to better fit the needs of Wirral families. 

The sessions, run by the Creative Youth Development Team, used games, arts and technology to engage with the children while parents could sit down with a hot drink. 

The events were well attended with positive feedback from many parents and carers. 

Mia, a parent who attended one of the sessions said:

My daughter has thoroughly enjoyed her time here, the team have offered her a safe space to explore, learn, play and build relationships. It has been lovely to see her grow in confidence each week. The sessions have provided a valuable space for children and parents alike, to connect in what can be a very isolating time

The ideas and discussions with parents will feed into ongoing work to improve the SEND local offer, while also informing the type of information and resources shared on the SENDLO website. 

To learn more about the SEND local offer, visit: https://www.sendlowirral.co.uk/


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