Family Hubs SEND Roundup

Sensory play area at Brassey Gardens Family Hub

Wirral’s Family Hubs offer single front door access to services for advice, support and fun activities. Did you know that you can go to any Hub across the Wirral? It doesn’t matter where you live, you are welcome to drop into any Family Hub and talk to our welcoming and knowledgeable staff.

Rather than trying to contact different agencies, support is joined up and in one place, helping you to get the right support at the right time.

You can find more information on the Hubs at and at Family Toolbox. We’ve put together a handy list of some of the SEND activities and support that is currently on offer in the Hubs.


Ganney’s Meadow Family Hub

  • Positivitree Coffee Morning – you can come along to this parent peer support group on Fridays from 9am – 11am

  • Visit the Family Help Teams and get coordinated family help support all in one place

  • You can drop in to see the Early Childhood Service who provide support for families and children with SEND from birth to age 5

Get in touch:

Tel - 0151 677 9255

Email -

Pensby Primary and Stanley School Family Hub

  • You can talk to a SEND coordinator for advice and support for children with SEND age 2 to 11

To find out more:

Tel - 0151 348 4145

Email -


Bromborough Family Hub

  • Rainbows stay and play group. This is for children aged 0 -5 with social and communication difficulties or autism. The sessions are on Mondays from 1:30pm to 2:30pm

  • You can attend a SEND Sensory play session for children with additional needs and limited mobility. These are held weekly on Fridays.

  • Early Childhood Service provide Wellcomm screenings for support with speech and language concerns and School Readiness sessions. These weekly sessions are for children aged 0 to 5

For more information and to book a Wellcomm screening contact:

Tel - 0151 666 3246

Email -

The Bungalow Family Hub at Grove Street Primary School

  • You can meet with SEND coordinators for advice and support for children aged 0 – 5

  • There is a weekly My Child Can drop-in session for advice on parenting routines or just a chance to chat about your children’s development

  • The ADHD Foundation offer a weekly stay and play group


Tel - 0151 645 2170

Email -


Seacombe Family Hub

  • Weekly Sundowns Makaton signing sessions for children from birth to 5. These take place on Fridays from 10am to 12pm

  • A weekly stay and play Rainbows group for children aged 0 -5 with social and communication difficulties or autism. This session is on Tuesdays from 10am to 11am

  • SEND Sensory play session for children with additional needs and limited mobility.

  • Koala North West’s Autism Incredible Years programme. These sessions are for parents/carers of children aged 2-9 years old who are on the Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD) pathway, or already have a diagnosis of Autism

Get in touch:

Tel - 0151 666 3506

Eastway Primary School Family Hub

  • You can meet with SEND coordinators for advice and support for children aged 0 – 5

  • ADHD Foundation Umbrella Stay and Play

Get in touch:

Tel - 0151 677 1235

Email -


Brassey Gardens Family Hub

  • A weekly stay and play Rainbows group for children aged 0 -5 with social and communication difficulties or autism. This session is on Fridays from 9.30 am – 11am

  • Weekly SEND Portage sessions for children with additional needs from birth to five years (referral only)

Get in touch:

Tel - 0151 666 3323

Email -

St James Centre Family Hub

  • Positivitree Coffee Morning – contact the hub for dates and times and come along to this parent peer support group

Get in touch:

Tel - 0151 670 9974

Email -

Equilibrium North West CIC Family Hub

  • Come along to a Diversity Plus group. These are held twice weekly and are for children from birth to age 11.

Get in touch:

Tel - 0151 647 6044

Email -

 Koala North West Family Hub

  • Weekly Empower Us programme. This is for families of children aged 2-11 years old, who have a neurodiverse condition

  • Join an Autism Incredible Years sessions. These are for parents/carers of children aged 2-9 years old who are on the Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD) pathway, or already have a diagnosis of Autism

  • Come along to a Little Bees session. This is a support group especially for young children under 4 where there is concern over their development of social and communication skills

  • Drop in to a Sleep Support session. These are aimed at parents of a child between 2 and 11 years, where the child has difficulty settling at night, frequently wakes throughout the night or wakes early to start the day

Get in touch:

Tel - 0151 608 8288

Email -


COSMOS is getting ready to launch its first parent and carer hub


Local Area SEND Partnership leaders visit Stanley School