Local Area SEND Partnership leaders visit Stanley School

Four women and two men standing together in a school corridor

Sayyed Osman, Director of Adults, Health and Strategic Commissioning at Wirral Council; Holly Barker, Headteacher of Stanley School; Kathryn Kennedy, Headteacher of Ganny’s Meadow; Ritu Hulme, Deputy Head of Stanley School; Councillor Bennett, Chair of Children, Young People and Education Committee; and Jane Harvey, Assistant Director – Public Health Consultant at Wirral Council

The Local Area SEND Partnership Board recently introduced its Leadership Walks programme. Members of the Board have been visiting schools, health settings and SEND provision across Wirral to meet with staff and see some of the facilities and equipment schools use to improve the outcomes of children and young people with SEND.

The purpose of the visit was for members of the Board to understand the long-term and day-to-day challenges faced by the school, in order to help the Local Area SEND Partnership move forward and improve the SEND services used by families, carers, children and young people in Wirral.

These visits allow for honest and open discussion about what works and what needs to be done. The insights from teachers and staff at settings is invaluable and gives the Board a better picture of how to support schools.

On 4 November 2024, a delegation from the Board were given a tour of Stanley School in Pensby by Headteacher, Holly Barker, and Deputy Head, Ritu Hulme. The group got to meet some of the children and see classes in action! It was an inspiring experience meeting the passionate and committed staff and seeing the children engaged in learning.

The group were given access to some of the equipment that the pupils benefit from, including dedicated sensory spaces attached to classrooms and an onsite swimming pool. Commenting on the tour, Councillor Bennett, Chair of Children, Young People and Education Committee, said: “I thought it was an outstanding facility offering a variety of opportunities for young people to develop and enhance skills. The staff are very creative in the way they encourage inclusiveness”.

More Leaderships Walks are planned for 2025 to help further strengthen the relationship between leaders and SEND providers and services. The understanding of how policy and governance plays out at provision level for children with complex needs is key in developing a SEND service that meets the needs of all children and young people.

The visits so far include:

  • Claremount Specialist Sports College – 4 October

  • Statutory Assessment Team, Wirral Council – 9 October

  • Wirral University Teaching Hospital – 11 October

  • Hilbre High School - 21 October

  • Stanley School – 4 November


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