Supporting people with SEND during Christmas

child with blocks in chirstmas hat

With Christmas just around the corner, people in Wirral are gearing up for the festive season. For people with SEND, Christmas can offer a unique set of challenges to navigate during the season. Making the Christmas period enjoyable for everyone requires a bit of extra planning.

We have put together some top tips to help you ensure you have a SEND-friendly Christmas:

Sensory-Friendly Celebrations:

Think about what might be challenging for your loved ones during Christmas – big crowds, loud noises, surprises, or bright lights. Consider how you can avoid these situations or, if unavoidable, prepare your loved one ahead of time. Create quiet spaces for them to retreat if things get overwhelming.

Personalised Preparations:

Create a list of what might be challenging for your loved one and think about how to avoid or prepare for those situations. When necessary, prepare your loved one ahead of time to make things smoother.

Daily Preparatory Conversations:

Establish a daily routine of discussing upcoming events and activities. Share details about who will be present, planned activities, and the menu. Offer choices between different activities to give your loved one a sense of control.

Try to Maintain Consistent Routines:

It’s really difficult to stick to a routine especially around Christmas. Late Nights, parties and gatherings make routines difficult to stick to. Try to keep certain aspects of your loved one's routine unchanged, especially during morning and bedtime. Consistency helps to provide a sense of security and predictability.

Plan for Unexpected Visitors:

Prepare for unexpected visitors by having a plan that accommodates your loved one's needs. Offer the option to play in a different room, share pictures of visitors in advance, and reduce potential anxiety.

Sensory Considerations

Stay mindful of sensory elements like sound, light and smells. Keeping Christmas decorations to a minimum or having a space without any can help someone with SEND if they feel they need to get away from everything.

Try and limit flashing lights and allow more time for people to adapt to their surroundings.

Remember, the key to a more SEND-friendly Christmas is thoughtful consideration and embracing inclusive practices. By incorporating these tips, you can make the holiday season truly magical for everyone in your family.

Watch Ieuan from Ambitious Youth Network and his three top tips on how you can support the autistic people in the run up to the winter holidays.


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