Thinking about University?

university students wearing cap and gown

For people with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND), the prospect of going into higher education or University can seem daunting. However, it is important to highlight that universities now provide a wide range of support to ensure an inclusive and enriching educational experience for all students. This article aims to shed light on the support available for individuals with SEND who are thinking about going to university.

Specialist Disability Support Services

Most universities have dedicated disability support teams equipped to assist students with a range of needs. These teams are well-versed in supporting students with physical disabilities, specific learning difficulties, mental health conditions, and other disabilities. They work closely with students to create individualised support plans, providing accommodations and adjustments to ensure equal access to education.

Academic Support

Students with SEND can access academic support services to help them navigate their chosen course successfully. These services may include additional tutoring sessions, note-taking assistance, extended deadlines, and alternative assessment methods. These accommodations are designed to level the playing field and allow students to demonstrate their full potential.

Assistive Technology

Universities often provide access to a variety of assistive technologies that can assist students with SEND in their studies. These technologies may include speech recognition software, text-to-speech tools, screen readers, and specialised keyboards. Assistive technology enables students to overcome challenges and fully engage with their coursework.

Personal Support

Universities acknowledge the importance of emotional and personal wellbeing in a student's success. They usually offer counseling and mental health support services to ensure that students with SEND can address any additional challenges they may face during their time at university. These services can provide a safe space for students to discuss their concerns and receive guidance from trained professionals.

Peer Support Networks

Many universities establish support networks like student societies and peer mentoring programs to connect students with SEND. These networks serve as a valuable resource for advice and assistance, connecting students with similar experiences and creating a sense of community.

Accessible Campus Facilities

Universities are continually striving to improve physical accessibility on campus. They implement ramps, elevators, accessible washrooms, and other necessary accommodations. Additionally, many institutions offer support for students with mobility constraints, including accessible housing options and transportation services.

Transition Programs

Some universities offer transition programs specifically designed for students with SEND. These programs aim to ease the transition from school to higher education by providing tailored support, familiarising students with campus resources.

Visit the University page in the Education category to find detailed information on the support available for students attending Universities local to Wirral.


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